Company name: art point e.U.
Commercial register number: FN 488250s
Year of establishment: 2002
Professional register No. 102963F06/07
VAT Reg. No. (UID): ATU56513516
EORI No.: ATEOS1000019654
Owner: Elena Zvereva
Address: Neubaugasse 35, A-1070 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 522 04 25
Email: See [ Contact Form ]

art point is an international registered brand name.
Austrian trademark register No. 212163 and 291843
Nice classification: 25, 42
WIPO registration number: 1365457

Basic orientation of the website
This website gives information about the products and services of our company.

Nature and purpose of the business
Fashion design; Trade of clothing, shoes, and accessories

Membership of a business organization
Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Vienna

Industry | Occupational groups
Fashion design (117; GISA 25630640)
Trade of clothing and textiles (308A; GISA 27457153)

Municipal office for the 6./7. district (Vienna)

Industry and professional regulations and provisions
Austrian trade regulation act

GDPR Compliance
see: Privacy Policy